IT Petko Georgiev with a presentation of a major project for European digital innovation hub – Conference Burgas Digital 2021
Projects The launch of a large-scale entrepreneurial roadshow in Southeastern Bulgaria “Entrepreneurs in Action”
(Български) Burgas Digital 2024: Визията на Петко Георгиев за дигиталното бъдеще на Бургас 2 October 2024 Tags: IT Sorry, this entry is only available in Bulgarian. IT Connecting the Dots: How the Three-Day ‘Clusters Meet Regions’ Conference in Burgas Shifted the Paradigm for Digital Transformation and Sustainability I’m thrilled to share with you an extraordinary event that not only highlighted the importance of cross-sectoral and cross-regional IT Petko Georgiev with a presentation of a major project for European digital innovation hub – Conference Burgas Digital 2021 The Burgas Digital 2021 conference was held on November 5 at the International Congress Center – Burgas from 9:00 Projects Efficient and Transparent Smart Specialization Policy of Bulgaria 2021 – 2027 The chairman of the NPO “Southeast Digital Innovation Hub” took part in a focus group with representatives of the IT, Projects On the wave of code Burgas has its indisputable advantages as a city to live and do business in – for some that includes
IT Connecting the Dots: How the Three-Day ‘Clusters Meet Regions’ Conference in Burgas Shifted the Paradigm for Digital Transformation and Sustainability I’m thrilled to share with you an extraordinary event that not only highlighted the importance of cross-sectoral and cross-regional
IT Petko Georgiev with a presentation of a major project for European digital innovation hub – Conference Burgas Digital 2021 The Burgas Digital 2021 conference was held on November 5 at the International Congress Center – Burgas from 9:00
Projects Efficient and Transparent Smart Specialization Policy of Bulgaria 2021 – 2027 The chairman of the NPO “Southeast Digital Innovation Hub” took part in a focus group with representatives of the
IT, Projects On the wave of code Burgas has its indisputable advantages as a city to live and do business in – for some that includes