Six clusters of the Information and Communication Technology sector signed a Charter and established a Federation, in which they unite their efforts for development of innovations, digital technologies and Bulgarian business.

The first initiative of the Federation is to provide an expert support to the legislative initiative for the provision of qualified specialists for the Bulgarian ICT sector.

The sector of Information and Communication Technology and business in Bulgaria is developing with extremely fast pace, but it suffers from the lack of one unified policy for institutional support, from the difficulties of financing and development of the cluster approach in the ICT business, as well as from the incomplete understanding of the role of digital technology at the entry of the Industry 4.0 concept.

With the serious ambition to work for finding a solution of the challenges for the successful development of ICT in Bulgaria, on 23 February 2018, in Sofia, six of the ICT Clustes in Bulgaria decided to establish a Federation of the clusters for the digital future of Bulgaria, unifying the sector..

The founders of the Federation are some the most active organizations in the sector, represented by: Foundation Cluster Information and Communication Technology – Petar Statev, Bulgarian Cluster of Telecommunications – Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pulkov, ICT Cluster – Varna – Assos. Prof. Dr. Galina Momcheva, ICT Cluster – Plovdiv – Prof. Dr. Asen, ICT Cluster – Burgas – Petko Georgiev, and Bulgarian Technological Cluster Codia – Stoyan Atipov. I expect that other cluster organizations will soon join the Federation.

The founders are united by their cause that the application of digital technologies and encouragement of the innovations are essential prerequisites for increasing the competitiveness of Bulgarian economy and the creation of sustainable economic and social development of the country.

“We have gathered today, people and organizations, that truly believe that the idea of clusters is possible, and that union of the business could be successful”, said Petar Statev, co-chairman of the newly established Federation. “We have decided that the fundamental document of our organization should be a Charter, due to the reason that there are a few Charters in the human history that always carry an extremely high charge”.

The first initiative of the Federation is to support the efforts of the ICT business and the leading branch organizations in the sector for introducing of a working governmental program for attracting of qualified specialists from other countries (the so-called “Blue cards”). In the statement, sent to the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, the Federation presents its position for the support in the fast solution of the problem with the lack of sufficient human resources for working with the innovative and top technologies в Bulgaria.

This statement states: “Unfortunately, in the proposal for liberation of the labour market, there is still the requirement for the difference in the salary of the Bulgarian workers and the workers from third countries, that should be removed in our opinion, and the remuneration should be based on the knowledge, skills and professionalism of the staff, not on the basis of their nationality. In addition, we would be really glad to see prioritization of cadres, coming from the Bulgarian diaspora in countries such as Moldova, Macedonia and Ukraine “.

“The problem can not be individually solved, although each one of the clusters is trying and succeeds in working in the support of the development of the human potential of Bulgaria“, said Petko Georgiev, co-chairman of the Federation. “If we provide highly qualified specialists from abroad now, we shall have the opportunity to impose Bulgaria as a quality ICT destination and in the meantime we shall actively support each schoolboy/schoolgirl, student, or specialist to acquire the necessary knowledge and experience and to start working in the sector”, added Gerogiev.

The Federation shall develop and implement the cluster approach, in order to create a favourable business environment for the development of small and medium enterprises in Bulgaria. In accordance to the Charter, only through the fruitful collaboration between the organizations in sector, a successful development of the Bulgarian and the European digital market is possible.

The Federation shall work for:

  • accelerated implementation of the conception, the principles and the instruments of Industry 4.0 in Bulgaria, as a prerequisite for the economic growth and competitiveness,
  • shall encourage the competitiveness of the Bulgarian small and medium enterprises through application of digital technologies,
  • shall support the educational system in Bulgaria through implementation of modern processes, technologies and programs, processes with the aim to acquire adequate knowledge and skills,
  • shall constructively work with the governmental institutions and administration in order to adequately create policies, projects, programs supporting the digital development, education and clusters’ development in Bulgaria.

The Federation of ICT Clustes is an organization, based on equal rights, equal organizations, open to each cluster that can and wishes to contribute to the development of Bulgaria within the context of an European digital market.

The Federation shall implement joint projects, shall conduct researches, analysis and expert evaluations for an accelerated implementation of the concept, the principles and the instruments of Industry 4.0 in Bulgaria, shall organize and conduct trainings and business events, shall exchange information with its members partners.

The first co-chairmen of the Federation with one-year mandate are elected to be the chairman of the Foundation ICT Cluster – Petar Statev, and of ICT Cluster Burgas – Petko Georgiev, as the chairmanship shall be fulfilled on the basis of the rotation.

For additional information:

Petar Statev

Co-chairman of the Federation

Chairman of The Foundation Clusters Information and Communication Technologies

М: +359 888 773 773


Petko Georgiev

Co-chairman of the Federatio

Chairman of ICT Cluster – Burgas

М: +359 884 353 599
